Wednesday, April 1, 2015

May 7, 2015 - Plasma Sculpture, Carl Willis - Yannis, Science on Tap, May 7, 2015 5:30 - 6:30PM


May 7th  - Plasma Sculpture - Yanni's
Science on Tap
Thursday, May 7, 2015
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

3109 Central Avenue NE
(505) 268-9250
Carl Willis
Plasma Sculpture

Application of scientific understanding to artistic expression often gets overlooked when we consider the impact of science in society, but Carl Willis hopes to offer a compelling example of a successful science-art marriage through his work with "plasma sculpture".  The realm of gaseous electrical phenomena offers a rich palette of beguiling and beautiful visual effects that can be applied to kinetic sculpture and decorative lighting.  Mr. Willis works as a nuclear engineer in his day job, but as a hobby, he experiments with high-frequency, dielectric-barrier discharges in exotic atmospheres sealed into electrodeless glass vessels. Understanding is enhanced through the use of a visible-light spectrometer. He will exhibit some of his efforts, and discuss the often-complex chemistry that is responsible for the observed effects in these plasmas.  Want to see an "inert" noble gas pair up with reactive oxygen before your eyes? This Science On Tap discussion should be electrifying.
We have a new partner!  Please join us in welcoming the American Chemical Society (ACS)!

We will be back on August 7th, 2015.  See you then!