Saturday, October 31, 2020

Science on Tap: Types of Radiation with Jeff Mahn


8th year of Science on Tap

Thanks to the continued support of UNM, Explora and the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History


While all of us at Science on Tap look forward to the day that we can "Eat, Drink, and Talk about Science" together again, we encourage you to stay involved in the amazing things scientist in our community are involved with.

Each month, we will offer a virtual presentation to keep your science enthusiasm strong!

November: Types of Radiation

Jeff Mahn

Master's Degree in Nuclear Engineering from University of Michigan
Former employee with the Commercial Nuclear Power Industry and 
Sandia National Laboratories.
Current volunteer teacher, tutor, and museum docent.

This month, we are pleased to offer a presentation from Jeff Mahn. Jeff has been an Albuquerque resident for 28 years, sharing his nuclear engineering experience through his work with Commercial Nuclear Power Industry and Sandia National Laboratories. Jeff is passionate about promoting the truth about energy, nuclear power, and ionizing radiation. One of his many retirement activities is volunteering as a docent and science educator at The National Museum of Nuclear Science and History.

(please turn volume up once  you can see the presenter)

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

September 2020 Science on Tap: Why Haven't We Found a Cure for Cancer?


8th year of Science on Tap

Thanks to the continued support of UNM, Explora and the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History


 A time to eat, drink & talk about science in the leisure of your home !

Join us Friday, September 18, 2020 at 6:30 pm. (Zoom)

Why Can't We Find a Cure for Cancer?

Iraís Ortiz-Caraveo

Biomedical Engineering Masters student at the University of New Mexico currently working in the Department of Pathology for the UNM School of Medicine as a research assistant (recently published YAY). 1st generation high school and college student

"Why does it takes so long to find treatments and why do those treatments tend to fail? I’ve noticed that most people are pretty shocked to learn that we are quite limited (time, manpower, resources) in the ways we can conduct research surrounding this topic. Hollywood has created the illusion that answering scientific questions is a smooth ride and that scientists have all the tools to get answers, when in reality we don’t. But, that does not mean that we don’t try." -Iraís

A part of the fifth annual New Mexico Science Fiesta!
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Thursday, April 30, 2020

VIRTUAL May 2020 Science on Tap: Food Science *UPDATED ZOOM LINK*

8th year of Science on Tap

Thanks to the continued support of UNM, Explora and the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History


 A time to eat, drink & talk about science in the leisure of your own home!

Join us Thursday, March 7, 2020 at 6:00

                                     UPDATED LINK Join Zoom Meeting*

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 929 7343 7269
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,92973437269# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,92973437269# US (Tacoma)

The Culinary World of Food Gels

Anthony & Jason Salvagno

Anthony, Associate Director of X Studio at Explora;
Jason, Banquet Chef at White Oaks Conservatory near Jacksonville, Florida.

Former food truck brothers of S'wich It Up fame, Jason and Anthony Salvagno, are back to deliver all the hard-hitting and faced-paced action from the culinary world of food gels. Have you ever removed some chicken soup from the fridge and saw a solid layer on top of your leftovers? It turns out there are sugars in plants and proteins in animals that can create a gelatin-like structure. Food gels have been around a long time and are used in desserts, entrees, appetizers, and so much more. Learn the science that makes this possible and some simple recipes to turn dinner into a 5-star meal.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 929 7343 7269
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,92973437269# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,92973437269# US (Tacoma)

Friday, March 13, 2020


8th year of Science on Tap

Thanks to the continued support of UNM, Explora and the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History

Following the guidance of the mayor of Albuquerque and government health officials, Science on Tap on Thursday, April 2nd has been cancelled. Science on Tap representatives will be keeping a close eye on notifications from the city and will reach out when we believe we can hold these events again.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

UPDATE: March 2020 Science on Tap: Space Nuclear Power & Propulsion

8th year of Science on Tap

Thanks to the continued support of UNM, Explora and the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History


 A time to eat, drink & talk about science!

on Central

Join us Thursday, March 5, 2020 at 5:30

Space Nuclear Power & Propulsion

Joseph A. Sholtis, Jr.

Lt. Col, USAF (Retired) 

This presentation will address, using figures & photos, the notable 60-year history of the development & use of nuclear systems for power, heating, and propulsion in space - principally by the U.S., but also briefly by the former Soviet Union & Russia. U.S. space nuclear systems, as well as nuclear-powered/heated space missions flown, will be illustrated & described together with major discoveries gleaned, and future nuclear systems, along with their potential space applications, will be briefly depicted and addressed. 

Sunday, January 12, 2020

February 2020 Science on Tap: Action and Reaction with David Gibson

8th year of Science on Tap

Thanks to the continued support of UNM, Explora and the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History


 A time to eat, drink & talk about science!

on Central

Join us Thursday, February 6, 2020 at 5:30

Action and Reaction

David Gibson

Educator at National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Science can be an amazing place. The universe is founded on the principle of action and reaction. Take an evening to enjoy witnessing and participating in some Physical, Chemical and Nuclear actions and reactions.